PROGRAMME FIDÉLITÉ | Clients boutique en ligne
Earn points and turn them into rewards
Sign Up
Sign up as a member to start enjoying the loyalty program
Earn Points
Earn points by signing up to the site and by placing orders.
Redeem Rewards
Redeem points for various discounts.
Program tiers
Reach new tiers as you earn more points.
0 total earned points required
Earn Points
Achat d'un certificat-cadeau
Get 5 points
Achats | Boutiques en ligne
Get 1 points for every $1 spent
Inscription section membres (gratuit)
Get 5 points
Pour chaque baluchon sur une facture
Get 2 points
Redeem Rewards
-10 % sur tous les articles
3 points = 10% off the lowest priced item in cart
-10 % sur tous les services
10 points = 10% off the lowest priced item in cart
Rabais de 2.00 $ à l'achat d'un ou des Baluchons
4 points = $2 off a specific category
20% de réduction | Abonnement annuel
12 points = 20% off for all plans